"Somebody call for a Doctor?!"


Montreal Asian and Japanese

Bar et Boeuf

500 McGill College

Orchidée de Chine

2017 Peel

Bato Thai

1310 Ste-Catherine E.

Deer Garden

1162 St-Laurent


16 des Pins


4525 Parc Avenue

Jardin du Nord

78 De la Gauchetière W.


1809 Ste-Catherine W.

Le Chrysantheme

1208 Crescent

Le Taj

2077 Stanley

Maison Kam Fung

1111 St-Urbain

Mongolian Hot Pot Restaurant

50 De la Gauchetière E.


140 Notre-Dame W.

Restaurant Hong Kong

1019 St-Laurent

testimonial yooo sup Adriano..Thanks for the call man, I had a blast in montreal. karmasutra was decent man, good call on that place. its not quite as good as Solid gold in my book but my best friend loves it and thats all that matters. thanks again for the awesome job you did. We'll definitely talk soon ! testimonial end
Rick from Jersey