"Let the Doctor operate... on your nite."


Underground City

montreal nightlife photo
montreal nightlife photo

One of the first things anyone hears about Montreal is the magical Underground City, a vast expanse of tunnels and complexes that spread over 32 kilometres (~19 miles) and connect almost every part of Montreal’s downtown. Anyone who is familiar with the local weather will have no problem understanding why the city has connected most of the popular Metro stops and shopping districts by a series of walkways.

Underground city map

testimonial Hey Adriano, I just wanted to send a big thank you to you and Angelo for setting up the F1 weekend for us. With such a large group of 23 people, I really don't know what we would have done without you guys. I will be sure to recommend anyone I know going to Montreal to go through your company. Thanks, testimonial end
Ketan- Montreal F1 Grand Prix June