"Tell me, where does it hurt?"

Montreal Hotspots

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Saint Laurent
They don't call it the Main for nothing
Famous for all the right reasons
Cruise the sidewalks of the strip
Red Light
XXX district keeps on rolling
Underground City
Cold outside? Hot shopping found here
Latin Quarter
Truly a Montrealais 'hood for all the right reasons
Old Montreal
History and European influence abound
Plateau Mont-Royal
where bagels, smoked meat sandwiches and artists come alive!
The Gay Village
Forget Eve, it's Adam and Steve around here

Montreal's Finest

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All hotels located in Downtown Montreal
Bagels or not, Montreal offers the best restaurants in Canada.
Dinner, Decor & Dazzling crowds...
Eye Candy, Arm Candy, bottles & bumpin' beats...Dr. Nitelife in a nutshell!
Bars + Lounges
Hope you bring your dancing shoes!
Adult Entertainment
They don't call Montreal the Sin City of Canada for nothing...
With local designers, intricate boutiques & a vibrant fashion culture
Montreal Casino
Day-Time Activities
sports, museums, sight-seeing, terraces & the underground city...you know it.
Tranportation & Limousine

testimonial It was a pleasure working with you. Your assistance in planning was crucial--there's no way I could have pulled it off without you. The rooms were great, the girls were great, Dean--great. Everyone had a terrific time, were very happy with your services. Thanks again, and I will recommend you to anyone who is planning a similar trip to Montreal in the future. P.S. Loved the show on Saturday. testimonial end
Aaron, Washington, D.C.