"Tell me, where does it hurt?"



1201 Guy
Bar-B-Barn boasts that it has the world’s best ribs. So far, nobody seems to have countered its claim. The ribs are so famous that people have been known to drive all the way from northern Quebec just to claim a taste of Bar-B’s tasty morsels before heading all the way back. Although it is often packed and noisy, the service is so fast, you’re barely in, then you’re out. A must for any first-timers.

testimonial Hey , It was definitly the best weekend I ever had!!! The atmosphere was just right n the clubs were ok but I still enjoyed them with liquor in my system!!! Over all the trip was a success n I loved every second of it..Thank you guys soo much for showing us a MONTREAL NITE LIFE..were def gonna go a again and now we know who we partying with.. Thanks again!!! Tell the guys I said hi (daniel n anthony) ciao testimonial end