MNT In The News

Montreal Nitelife has appeared in many publications, including magazines, websites, blogs, and TV. Here are a few notable mentions:


" ran a series of articles on bachelor party planning and spoke with Montreal Nitelife Tours to get the inside scoop. The first of five features, “Montreal- Canada’s Las Vegas Playground” delves into how Montreal has become a hallowed party-place for Canadians as well as international visitors. With its incredible restaurants, supperclubs, nightclubs, and much more, it’s the place for nightlife fun."

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Bride & Groom Magazine

Article titled "Ultimate Stags & Stagettes: Some of the most over-the-top pre-wedding bashes"

Read Article (PDF)

SmartWedding Magazine

Interview titled "Tips for throwing a bachelorette you’ll never forget or ever regret"

Read Full Interview (PDF)

Global TV

Excerpt from a television interview on Bachelor Parties from Global TV's "Ciao Montreal!"

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testimonial First of all I would like to thank you for putting forth such an amazing event that I will trully remember. The hotel was fantastic, the clubs were amazing, and the people were fun!!! I would like to ask about your spring break packages as i would like to return as well as some friends as i showed them pictures of our trip. Thanks again for the fantastic time, and a wonderful event as Carm, and i will charish forever... Thanks and happy new year!!! testimonial end
Mike, Toronto