"Tell me, where does it hurt?"


Silk Melody

677 Ste-Catherine W.
Complex des Ailes houses one of the best stores for artistic silk purchases. Housed at the top of the complex, it carries a line of products so impressive that customers often stop and stare for several minutes. Basing their impressions on high-quality oil paintings and imprinting them on some of the finest silks money can buy, the combination is complicated enough that none of the items can be duplicated. Using digital methods, you can choose to imprint the silk product, be it handbags, shoes, sweaters, skirts, scarves, dresses and more, with any image you choose.

testimonial Daniel, Thank you, the trip was a great time and your suggestions were very helpful. We hope to return sometime soon. Thank you. testimonial end
Drew- this bachelor party was better than our las vegas bachelor party!