"Somebody call for a Doctor?!"


Montreal General Entertainment

Imax Old Montreal

333 De La Commune W.

Comedy Nest


3536 St-Laurent

Formula 1 Grand Prix of Canada (June 8-10, 2007)


Just For Laughs Museum

2095 St-Laurent

La Ronde Amusement Parc

22 Aylmer

Laser Quest

1226 Ste-Catherine W.

Montreal Casino

1 Aylmer

Montreal Olympic Stadium

4949 Pierre de Coubertin

Musee Juste Pour Rire

2111 St-Laurent

Musique Plus

355 Ste-Catherine W.

Paramount Montreal

977 Ste-Catherine W.

Parc L'espoir / Hope Park

Ste-Catherine E.

Parc Safari

850 Aylmer


318 Ste-Catherine W.

The Bell Center

1260 De la Gauchetière W.

The Haunted House

1037 Bleury

testimonial Hey , It was definitly the best weekend I ever had!!! The atmosphere was just right n the clubs were ok but I still enjoyed them with liquor in my system!!! Over all the trip was a success n I loved every second of it..Thank you guys soo much for showing us a MONTREAL NITE LIFE..were def gonna go a again and now we know who we partying with.. Thanks again!!! Tell the guys I said hi (daniel n anthony) ciao testimonial end