"Let the Doctor operate... on your nite."



1476 Crescent
Montreal, H3G 3B6
Former F1 driver and local hero Jacques Villeneuve opened this do-it-all venue with major hoopla back in 2001 (and a US$5.3 million renovation price tag). Newtown is on the Southwest corner of Crescent and De Maisonneuve and is large, slick and accommodating for all forms of nightlife entertainment. With the club bumping’ house and hip-hop in the basement, the ground floor lounge is the place to be on Thursdays after work for happy hour. Move on upstairs to the second floor restaurant for world cuisine and the interesting menu. The starter menu ranges from $14 to $24 while the main menu features a diverse group of meats and fish all priced under $45. After dinner move either upstairs to the rooftop terrace (weather permitted) or cruise back down to the jiving lounge.

testimonial You guys are the shit. I plan on writing a real refferral later one day.. but you guys did a hell of a job. the entertainment was SICK. those girls are good.. real good. lots of fun and more than ive seen at any party here. ive been to a bunch too.. i will definitely recomend you to anyone any time i hear of a bachelor party. the bachelor LOVED it.. the cheap guys were happy. the guys with money were happy. even the guys hwo dont party so hard had a blast. good shit. You can use this if you want. i would edit it.. spell some things right.. now if you can get the border guys to chill the f*** o ... testimonial end
Joe, NYC