Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Montreal's nightlife so talked about ?

1. Montreal is one of the gastronomic capitals of the world with close to 5000 restaurants, which consist of 80+ different regional and national cuisines.
2. Montreal has over 300 bars, clubs, and pubs, which makes Montreal's nightlife continuously exciting!
3. Montreal has over 50 strip clubs, peep shows, and erotic massage parlors, with a few for girls too, making 4. Montreal's nightlife one of the most liberal in North America.
4. The employees of these erotic dancing establishments work top and bottomless.
5. Contact dancing is legal in Montreal.
6. Montreal has no curfew, so its nightlife lasts long into the morning hours...
7. There is no limit as to how many ounces of alcohol you may ask for in a drink.
8. There is no limit as to how many drinks you may get for yourself.
9. Our legal drinking age is 18, making Montreal's nightlife very accessible and all nightlife establishments serving alcohol stay open until 3 AM.

testimonial Nice meeting you this weekend. We had a great time but I know I'm paying for it today. I've been in a daze and drooling on my keyboard all day... I've been to quite a few bachelor parties over the years and this was by far the best one yet. Thanks for all your help and I'll give you a buzz next time I'm in town. Feel free to do the same if you are ever in NYC. testimonial end
Mike G., NYC