Frequently Asked Questions

What does the timeline look like if we wish to book a trip?

  1. Once you decide you are ready to book your package, contact us (via e-mail at or telephone at 1-866-221-5885) with the following information:

    • Date of arrival

    • Number of nights

    • Name of Hotel you want to book at

    • Number of and type of rooms

    • Number of people per room

  2. Within 1 business day, you will hear from us with either:

    • your hotel confirmation numbers by e-mail
    • alternate hotel accommodations suggestions (if #1 is sold out)
    • A phone or e-mail from an MNT rep to discuss your alternatives

  3. A 50% deposit will be due 2 weeks prior to your arrival.

  4. A general itinerary for the group should be discussed and agreed upon 2-1 week prior to your arrival.

  5. All reservations required for your group will be made by your Montreal Nightlife Tours representative 1 week prior to your arrival.

  6. The balance of your payment is due upon arrival.

For groups over 40 travelers

  1. All packages requiring hotel and/or transportation bookings should be confirmed 6-8 weeks in advance.

  2. After making the hotel/ transportation bookings, we will send you the confirmation numbers and hotel reservation manager’s contact info (to verify the bookings yourselves).

  3. A deposit of $45CDN or $30USD per person is required 45 days prior to you date of arrival.

  4. The balance of the booking is required 35 days prior to arrival date.

  5. The rooming list (who will be staying in which rooms) and 1 credit card number per room (with expiry date) for the security deposit is required 14 days prior to departure date.

testimonial just wanted to thank you for an absolutely amazing weekend! The girls and I raved about what an awesome time we had! I'd never been to Montreal before and this was truly a phenomenal experience! We had discussed going to Vegas for my stag ... but I'm not sure if we could have had a better time there because this weekend would be hard to top! Hands down to Robina! With the help of you she managed to organize a weekend that will be hard to top! It was just my style .... Fun but tasteful and classy! We had a great time meandering through Old Montreal. My experiences at ( ) (how the hell do yo ... testimonial end
Mandy R., Toronto, Canada